FAT to Fantastic : An Inspirational Diary of Middle Aged Weight Loss (over 10 Stone!), Based on Healthy Eating, Regular Exercise and Masses of Drive and Determination

FAT to Fantastic - How Denise Taylor lost over 10 stone in weight and rediscovered her confident,fun loving self. We face many challenges in life. We struggle the most with the challenge of simply overcoming ourselves - believing that we can climb the mountain, pass the exam or lose the excess weight. It takes perseverance, patience and determination to lose over 10 stone in weight, to keep your eye on the finish line and keep going, no matter what comes your way... This is my story: the story of a middle aged woman who lost nearly half her body weight. No gimmicks, just sensible eating, serious commitment to exercise and a constant belief that I would succeed. It wasn't easy...but I stayed true to my plan and it paid off. I dealt with setbacks but I never lost sight of my goal. I could have decided what I had done was 'good enough' but instead I went even further. My story is real and inspirational.