The Downfall of Atlantis : A History of the Tragic Events Leading to Catastrophe

Bok av Candace Caddick
The story of planet Earth and the origins of the human race are incomplete without including the history of Atlantis. Once again working with channel Candace Caddick the Archangels explain this early failure and how energetic echoes from the past alter the way we live here today. The sheer horror of the Fourth Age of Atlantis, due in great part to cloning, has never been explained in such a clear and understandable fashion as in this book. The story of Atlantis is relevant in this modern age as humanity once again heads down the scientific path of cloning without truly understanding its effect on the soul. Atlantis did not fully disappear until the last Atlanteans perished long afterwards. Great civilisations were established following the destruction, dwindling away over millennia until the days of King Arthur, the last of the Atlantean-style kings. His story and sacrifice lives on in your memories due to its significance for all humanity, and has been the basis of many of your works of fiction. It is time to remember Atlantis and Arthur, and begin to see your true world again.