Romance Scam Diary : 86 % Likelihood, Accra, Ghana

Bok av Brigitte Schmid
Romance Scam Diary ( 86 % likelihood, Accra, Ghana ). During her search to find a partner, the 56 year old Brigitte Schmid signed up to an online dating web portal, hoping she might meet a nice man there. Following several unsuccessful chats and meetings with various men, she found the interesting profile from a Phillip M., a Canadian, who was enlisted in the US-Army and currently posted in Afghanistan. After intensive chatting and online communication via Skype and Email, he told her that he loved her intensely and that once his service in the US army was over, he wanted to move to Germany and to live with her for the rest of his life. Brigitte felt herself to be head-over-heels in love with this man and did not realize she was being taken in by a professional Romance Scammer, a criminal conman from the West African state of Ghana... This is the true story from her own diary.