Billionaire Boys Election Freak Show : Mitt Romney and the GOP War on Women, The 99%, Truth, Hispanics, Blacks, Elderly and Youth

Bok av Denis G Campbell
Republican Billionaires attempted to buy the 2012 US Election for their GOP Presidential, Senate and House of Representative candidates. Committed to spending billions of dollars, they took lies and made them bigger by repeating them over and over and over again until they became truth. They outspent the President's campaign 4:1 in the hopes of delivering complete control of the US government to their party and the Supreme Court's Citizen's United decision equating money with corporate personal speech made it all possible. We knew this was coming and everyone braced for it. What no one expected was the Right Wing freak show the campaign would devolve into. There was a total ideological lunacy to this campaign. This book traces the election from the GOP primaries where 7 dwarfs kicked things off through the ongoing War on Women, contraception, abortion, Hispanics, Blacks, the elderly and indeed everyone in the 99%. The GOP stopped shading language, became blatantly racist and xenophobic and tried everything in its power to suppress the vote in 2012, including passing laws and rules designed to intimidate and confuse voters. It was a conservative ideological culture war broadcast live in :30 attack adverts. Money was speech and power... until the wheels fell off the train because no amount of money could make the Republicans fall in love with their nominee Mitt Romney and, just as Democrats learned in 2004 with George W. Bush, their pure hatred (we call it Obama Derangement Syndrome) of the president, was not enough to convince voters. British/American journalist and author Denis G. Campbell takes you on a detailed ride of each step along the 2012 US Presidential Billionaire Boys Freak Show from frigid February primaries through the conventions. He wrote four e-books during the campaign and this is the compendium of them in print.