The Bride in Leafyland

Bok av Ibrahim Nelson Kaggwa
When Ibrahim Nelson Kaggwa's daughter was diagnosed with autism, he saw the meaning of the daily trauma that weak, disabled and shy children may suffer as a result of bullying. His daughter had been saying things, such as; "I don't want to go to school...they laugh at me...they steal my yoghurt...they are pulling my hair..." The diagnosis of autism helped Ibrahim to understand that his child was being taken advantage of by other children who had no awareness of her disabilities. The school needed to do more to stop this bullying. Parental action resulted in much support from various professionals including the school providing one-on-one support for the child. This experience is what prompted this book to help reinforce information for children on bullying, which they may exercise inadvertently. Many children are bullied due to lack of adult support, resulting in failed observations and awareness of special needs of those children. Some disabilities in children cause them to exhibit challenging behaviour or what is mistaken for naughtiness. Love and understanding may be one route to a cure using one-on-one safeguarding.