Pictures of My Days--An Art &; Writing Workbook for Creating the Life You Want : An Art & Writing Workbook for Creating the Life You Want

Bok av M Lavora Perry
Ages 8 to Adult :: Illustrated :: Black/White :: Synopsis: A creative gaol-setting and visualization workshop in book form. This book helps readers use their own writing, drawings and imaginations to envision and bring their their goals to life. Readers are guided toward choosing the thoughts, words and deeds that will lead them to their desires. The book includes historical and contemporary stories and quotations to highlight concepts. The book also includes 28 supplemental sets of work pages. Additional stories, quotations and work pages are available in the companion book "Daily Pages to Create the Life You Want--A Companion to Pictures of My Days" :: ### Endorsements:: ".captures.what is important in our multicultural society and asks children and adults alike to be more purposeful in our living.. an excellent piece of work." --Tim Ewing, Management Consultant and Trainer :: "More than a book, Pictures of My Days is an artistic and literary workshop. Readers of all ages will be prompted to release their creative muses." B.J. Robinson, Author of LeBron James: King of the Court" :: "This book is a gift to children everywhere." Patricia Elam, Author of Breathing Room, Writing Instructor, Duke Ellington School of the Arts, Washington, D.C.:: ###