Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary

Bok av June G. Bletzer Ph D
Standard dictionaries and grammar books do not offer adequate language when it comes to describing invisible mind impressions, internal body sensations, and altered states of consciousness. Newly awakened interest in psychics, mystics, shamans, mediums, their philosophy of life and their experiences within invisible dimensions has extended everywhere. Organizations, seminars, weekend workshops, classes, and therapies in parapsychology and humanistic psychology spring up over night. Medical doctors and researchers in holistic health are assembling a startling body of evidence that intimately connects parapsychological theories with both physical and mental well-being. One may now openly speak about ones new attitudes, changes in beliefs, successful alternative healings, meditative and psychic experiences, and ones personal quest of a more qualitative lifestyle, without under the breath ridicule and harrassment.This is a global shift in consciousness occurring in all levels of awareness. Legions of individuals and other living organisms are beginning to sense the surge of a consciousness shift within themselves, from the ant and the tree, to the layman and government official. Some name this shift in consciousness the age of transformation. Whatever one names it, it is here! Changes....change....changed and semantic confusion! People are groping for words to express new dimensional concepts, sensations, and experiences with third-dimensional language. Instructors, authors, psychics, and laymen in this field are coining new words and giving standard words new meanings in trying to explain the variety of experiences of other levels of consciousness and new inner levels of awareness. Mankind has not yet evolved a language or a communication system that can adequately explain these new experiences, sensations, and concepts. This is quite normal in a pioneer fieldbut these descriptive terms are multiplying faster than research and study can evolve. The written media system is flooded with newly coined words.The aim of this volume is to make the groping for words easier when describing noncustomary experiences and theories with the customary language. Any situational shift requires a shift in language variety. This book contains a concise grouping of the present day shift in language variety and a comparison of this new language variety to words and phrases used in the past in similar philosophies, activities, and inner-dimensional experiences. To accomplish this I have recorded words and phrases from 2000 B.C., the I Ching, to interviews of new-age workers such as seen on the Phil Donahue Show. Terms used in the mystical and parapsychological field over the years are defined, described, annotated, or theorized.This literary reference volume is a twofold book in which a textbook interweaves with a dictionary. The same wordage synchronizes a dictionary, a textbook, and a psychic skill development course. This means no unnecessary reading of valueless words. The material is concise and to the point. Every word is important! You could say, this volume is a shift in a literary style of writing to accommodate the new global shift in consciousness. It is a tool for an accelerated style of learning!As a teacher in this field for over four decades, Dr. Bletzer found that students drawn to the study of parapsychology were people of all ages and all walks of life. She observed this human potential movement and consciousness shift becoming alive among her students with an accelerated speed in the later years of her life. From the sixteen hundred students she taught to develop psychically, the amount of time to acquire good psychic skills lessened by half during the last few years. She was finding that the public demand for information relating to pa...