Math by Grace : Memorization of Basic Math for Concentration-Challenged Children Through Relaxation and Meditation Techniques

Bok av Dana Williams
Dana Williams, a mother of four who has practiced meditation and yoga for decades, developed 'Math by Grace' for her children when games, drills and explanations did not work. Three of her children have ADD; one is autistic. The author discovered that 'Math by Grace' not only improved the math skills of each child but also boosted their self-esteem. Impressed and surprised by the results, she wrote down her experiences. Now that her children are grown she has returned to her notes. This book represents Dana William's hope that parents with a background similar to her own will be enabled to help their children. "It works!" she says of her revolutionary approach. Her children went from the bottom of their classes to the top in no time at all. If you have practiced calming your mind and heart through yoga, Qigong, T'ai Chi, meditation or other discipline, you may be able to transfer your calm focus to your child through a guided meditation for math. Perhaps you know a yoga teacher, therapist or child specialist who would like to learn Math by Grace in order to help concentration-challenged children in your area. The child on the cover of this book cannot resist going into the ocean, even with his long pants on. This is how your child will feel when you go together into an atmosphere of calm, inner light - he will be soothed, entranced, and able to memorize his basic math!