The Armor of Victory : Exposing the Strategy of the Evil One

Bok av Janet M Magiera
We are at war and the warfare is spiritual! God?s plan of salvation is fulfilled in Christ, and everyone who believes in Christ as Lord has received an overwhelming victory in him. The victory is won, but we must appropriate it into our lives on a daily basis by putting on the whole armor of God. This is necessary for every believer to do, so it is critical for us to understand HOW we are to fight in the battle. Ephesians 6 declares that we are to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. We are to put on the whole armor of God that we may be able to stand against the tactics of the Evil One. To put on the whole armor of God is to be clothed with HIS power in practical application. This book exposes the strategy of the Enemy and unfolds an understanding of how the armor of God is to be utilized to walk victoriously against the principalities and powers on high. We have been given the Armor of Victory!