Stopping Abortions at Death's Door : A Non-Violent System for Christians & Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers to Lawfully Battle for Babies' Lives at Abortion Facilities

Bok av Roderick P. Murphy
Abortion is the bellwether in America's Culture Wars. Whether you take the pro-life side or the "pro-choice" position, you must read "Stopping Abortions at Death's Door". It is a well written, well thought out plan and a user's manual for setting up a Save-the-Baby defense on the perimeter of every abortionist's site in America. Currently abortion "clinics" are destroying approximately 3,500 unborn babies every day in America and there is no national pro-life defense program to offset that evil. The pro-life movement needs a national effort to directly defend pre-born babies. Current pro-life outfits provide indirect efforts like educational or political support to fight against abortion. According to author Roderick P. Murphy, what is needed is a lawful plan to save some of those innocent boys and girls killed every day. "Stopping Abortions at Death's Door" would bring pregnancy centers and frontline street counselors right next door to every American abortion facility in a non-violent manner. This already happens in some places in the U.S.A. but needs to be expanded to every abortion site, coast to coast. The author provides details as to how pro-lifers can positively and non-violently slow the wholesale slaughter of American babies. In Murphy's scenario, the sidewalk counselor would attempt to persuade the abortion-intent woman on her way to abort to instead come to a pregnancy resource center next door. Once there, the client would receive free; an abortion consultation, a pregnancy test, an ultrasound scan, counseling and free practical and often expensive help. These services according to the book, could cause the pregnant client to realize that she has real alternatives to abortion and that she would change her mind toward life for her little girl or boy. The author is critical of many current pro-life pregnancy resource centers and their associations for being too timid, too churchy and too often ineffective in the war to save babies. This 260 page book details how to setup a non-profit corporation, how to recruit volunteers, how to raise money, how to counsel young mothers, how to find the right office very near an abortionist and how to operate an aggressive volunteer organization that will save babies lives, help mothers and battle with the 800 abortion "clinics" in America. Murphy has spent over 30 years in all phases of the pro-life movement, the last 28 years running a pregnancy center in Worcester, Massachusetts. "Stopping Abortions at Death's Door" will provide pro-lifers a potential plan that could effectively save babies. The book will give pro-abortion people heartburn and an early warning of the fight that is coming their way. To facilitate these many new pro-life centers the author lists every abortion site by city and state with names and addresses. The book will cause consternation on one side and exaltation on the other.