Five Star Love : How to Treat Your True Love Like a Customer and Get the Marriage of Your Dreams

Bok av Dennis Green
?The purpose of Five Star Love is to help you develop the caring habits you need to build a marriage based on mutual love, loyalty, trust and respect.?  The inspiration for Five Star Love came from a most unlikely place?a golf course. The authors were playing golf one day when Mary Lou lost one of her clubs. Feeling mildly irritated that this would slow them down, Dennis said he would retrieve the club, implying he could do it faster. He found the club, but on the way back something unexpected happened. He recalled a similar golf outing with a customer and realized how different he felt and acted then. He hadn?t gone after the customer?s club to speed up the game. He did it to ensure his customer?s enjoyment. Now, he realized he had been more caring with a customer than he was with the love of his life. He felt ashamed for taking Mary Lou for granted. He told Mary Lou about his epiphany. They talked for days, analyzing and wondering what would happen if they applied customer care to their marriage. Would it significantly change how they acted or felt? Would it make their actions feel calculated or scripted? Would it lead to keeping score? They decided to consciously practice what they started calling passionate customer care. The result of their ten-year experiment was so eye-opening they decided to write about it to benefit other couples. During this ten-year development, they also studied the works of top psychologists, relationship counselors, marriage therapists and church pastors. They examined best practices from successful world-class customer service programs. Finally, they included their own personal experience from 39 years of marriage and working with customers from around the world. To bring it all to life, and make it workable for other couples, they distilled everything they learned into Five Star Love, How to Develop The Ten Habits of Passionate Customer Care that became a  guide for staying in love. Discover how to develop your Ten Habits of Passionate Customer Care and gain powerful caring skills that will transform your relationship into the marriage you always knew it could be.