Cuerpo Mortal : El £ltimo h¿roe de Pompeya / The Last Hero of Pompeii

Bok av Ana Costa Alongi
The book CUERPO MORTAL (Mortal Flesh), Spanish edition, is the winner of Best Classic Fantasy Book 2012 at the Global eBook Award and also received an honorable mention in the category of Romance Fiction. In the GeA 2012 16 countries have participated with and more than 1000 books. The prestigious awards ceremony was held in Santa Barbara, CA. U.S. Cuerpo Mortal's plot takes place in the ancient Roman Empire. The setting is in the city of Pompeii, known for its destruction under tons of lava and ash in 79 A.D. The story starts three months before this tragedy occurs, and then the countdown begins. The narrative pulls the characters down a road where not everyone is whom he appears to be. The tension increases with each secret that is unveiled thru this page-turner with unpredictable developments. Marcus, a 19-year-old young man, is oblivious of everything and enjoying the beach with his friends. He is a member of an influential family and ever since he was born his destiny had been to have a prominent political career in the Roman Senate. A forbidden love falls across the path that Marcus' parents had laid for him, challenging everything he had been taught to believe about his future. His struggle between fulfilling his destiny and this unexpected love takes him on a journey where he will discover his true divine nature and the power of an immortal soul. "What begins as a historical narrative becomes an adventure where fantasy and spirituality go hand in hand. The plot moves with fluidity and tension, with characters that deliver unexpected surprises. This is the first part of Marcus's story, and the continuation is being announced" -VANIDADES magazine.