Sole to Soul: How to Identify Your Soul Purpose and Monetize It

Bok av Melissa B Evans
Do you know whatyour soul purpose is?Have you ever wanted to know the secret to attracting abundance in yourrelationships, business, health, and your vision for your life? Our soul purpose is justas unique as our fingerprint, and the only way to fulfill this purpose is by identifyingwhat our individual fingerprint looks like. Success is a claim for us all, and findingthat success lies in embracing our own authenticity. The moment you do that andaccept your soul purpose, you attract abundance in every area of your life.You are called to a purpose, and people will naturally pay you to fulfill your soulpurpose as you contribute value to their lives, businesses, and personal development.Abundance is the reward for sharing your natural talents, gifts, expertise, and nichein the marketplace.Melissa Evans, the Guru of Implementation, has helped clients all over the worldidentify their soul purpose and figure out how to monetize it. In this book you willfind out how to not only identify your soul purpose, but also create a plan andmonetize it. You'll also take a journey and read powerful success stories of otherpeople who are living out their soul purposes and finding incredible success.