Where Do Sisters Come From?

Bok av Elizabeth Ficocelli
What a delightful presentation of religious life for children, beautifully, simply, and colorfully illustrated. Where Do Sisters Come From? is a welcome, refreshing introduction that can encourage young girls to dream BIG of being a Sister! Sr. Mary Joanna Ruhland, RSM Associate Director, USCCB Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations ; What a beautiful glimpse into religious life for young children! I think parents and teachers would be delighted to have it on hand. Only God knows how many religious vocations might be encouraged by this lovely little book! Sr. Mary David Klocek, O.P., Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, Ann Arbor, Michigan EWTNs Truth in the Heart ; In this charming book, Elizabeth Ficocelli describes the call to religious life with clarity and simplicity. This book can begin to help every young girl discover Gods beautiful plan for her life. Sister Mary Emily Knapp, O.P. Vocation Director, Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, Nashville, Tennessee ; Young girls today need a clear understanding of religious life so that from earliest years it can be a genuine consideration in answer to the proverbial question: What do you want to be when you grow up? A little book like this can be used by God to speak to young hearts in words they can understand. Come, Holy Spirit! Sister Ann Shields, SGL, radio host, Food for the Journey