Mein Kampf Analysis and Summary(Sutdent's and Teacher's Edition)

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This book includes a summary of Adolf Hitler's book, Mein Kampf, along with important points, a teaching guide, and student's guide. Mein Kampf is an important educational tool for various subjects from history, to business, to politics, to tolerance. Studying Mein Kampf is important. If it is not dealt with in a classroom setting, then it will be read and interpreted by those who may not be able to understand the propagandistic nature of the work. If those who are interested in the book are "educated" outside the classroom by groups or individuals with an agenda, then their views can be twisted by inaccuracies and by incomplete information. Mein Kampf is one of the most widely known and heavily quoted books of all time. It demonstrates both Hitler's ability to persuade and his ability to instill a sense of heroic destiny. What is important is that the book makes you think about your own opinions, where they come from, how you are influenced by the people around you, what choices you make and whether you take action or sit back and let things happen. This guide helps students and teachers understand the work in a proper perspective. This guide can be used by itself or as part of a course.