Yoko Saito's Woolwork

Bok av Yoko Saito
World-famous Japanese quilter, designer, teacher, and shop owner Yoko Saito delights with this book that focuses on quilts, bags, and other projects made primarily of wool and yarn-dyed homespun fabrics. Instructions are included for rug hooking, needle felting, and applique. The projects, practical with a touch of whimsy, will have you scouring closets for no-longer-used woolen clothing to turn into something fun and new.This book is published by Stitch Publications, is distributed by Martingale, and is nonreturnable.
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Yoko Saito's Woolwork - Used
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Yoko Saito's Woolwork - New
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Yoko Saito's Woolwork
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Yoko Saito's Woolwork
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Yoko Saito's Woolwork
349 kr
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Yoko Saito's Woolwork
313 kr
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