The Five Husbands That Don't Belong to You

Bok av Madeline Knight
If you have been struggling with Rejection, Anger, Bitterness, Unforgiveness, Loneliness and Death, Author Madeline Knight says you no longer have to! In this book she shows you that that these Five Husbands do not belong to you. Based on the revealed word to the life of Madeline Knight in John 4: 16-18, you will read how Jesus showed up at her well not only to reveal her condition --- but to bring to her life what was missing; Value! You will learn how Jesus revealed each husband individually and the damage her intimacy with them brought her life. You will read how Jesus through His Holy Spirit revealed how to break Illegal Covenants and how to destroy the enemy named Rejection, Anger, Bitterness, Unforgiveness, Loneliness and Death. You will read how the word of God brought Freedom, Healing and Restoration to her life and how the same can be done for you. May Your Freedom Begin Today!