Lazy Runner

Bok av Marie Bean
'Everyone Can Run, Every Runner Can Run A Marathon' 'Running is simple, it's just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other' says Australia's greatest runner, Robert de Castella ... and Deek is right, so how do you get a 300+ page book out of something so basic? Marie Bean is the original Lazy Runner; she has been a runner for 25 years and has coached runners for the past seven years. As a running coach she has answered countless questions from runners across Australia and the world ... she threw her hands in the air and thought that's it ... 'I need to write a book on how to run the Lazy Runner way'. Read this Lazy Runner Handbook if you want to ... Discover why running is the best activity you can do for your fitness and health Learn how to run Know the right way to run Run injury and pain free Find out what muscles runners use and how to look after them Train for a fun run, or the ultimate - a marathon Learn the best way to fuel your runner's body Know why shoes are a runner's Holy Grail and how to get the right ones for you Discover how to get through the mental running road blocks Have a good laugh at the Funny Running Shorts Learn the insider tricks and tips on running Fuel the running nerd in you by reading the Lazy Stats on running Marie has run 15 marathons, and too many to count half marathons and fun runs ... and last year at the age of 50 she stepped into the crazy world of Ultra Marathon running! But her biggest claim to fame is that she has done all of these events, not to mention the thousands of hours of training ... without a single injury ... not one in 25 years. How can that be you ask? Marie is a Lazy Runner - she runs for fun, fitness and enjoyment and pain and injury don't fit into the equation. Marie shares everything she knows about running and all her little tricks of the trade in the Lazy Runner Book ... ENJOY!