My Thrive Journal : A self guided journal designed to guide Survivors of (CSA) (METOO) and (DV) AFTER COUNSELING, to THRIVE confidently, and authentically in life!

Bok av Rena Romano
Welcome, you are about to begin a new and innovative program called The THRIVE Perspective®.  This four-step self-guided journal can be used alone or as a companion book with the online course. It is designed to guide Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Sexual Assault (METOO) and Domestic Violence (DV) AFTER COUNSELING, to THRIVE confidently, and authentically in life! We were born to THRIVE not merely survive. You deserve to live the life you choose! As a sur-THRIVER? of #CSA, #METOO, and #DV and found that after two years of counseling and working through my trauma, those old demons: self-negative talk and self-sabotaging habits began to resurface. Although I thought counseling would heal all my hidden wounds, unfortunately as time went on, I slipped back into old habits. I found even after years of effective counseling: I still felt stuck in shame and was embarrassed about my past, and my self-esteem began to slip into an all-time low. My lack of confidence in my abilities kept me from achieving the success I wanted, and I didn?t want to admit it but I was angry and unable to forgive myself or my perpetrators. Does any of this sound familiar to you? If so, let me ask you:  Are you still struggling with self-esteem or confidence issues? Do you feel stuck and fearful that you're not going to live the life you "KNOW" that you deserve to live? Are you tired of just surviving when you "KNOW" you deserve "MORE" but you're not sure how to get there? Dear Fellow Survivor, if you answered yes, to one or all of these questions, I know exactly how YOU feel! It?s taken time, courage and determination! Today, I am proud to say that I have been able to accomplish a lot in my life. My proudest achievement is I am a sur-THRIVER? and advocate for others who have survived child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence. One of my proudest moments is the great honor of sharing my story on ?The Oprah Winfrey Show? and YES it was the scariest thing I have ever done. I told myself I had to do it ?Because I grew tired of being ashamed of crimes I did not commit!?   I think you?ll agree most of us want to have a happier, more joyful life. To accomplish this, we must understand change begins with us ? by shifting our mindset, our beliefs and attitudes no matter what we?ve gone through. As that old saying goes ?free your mind, your life will follow.? This means focusing our attention on a goal, and our subsequent actions will yield results. Negative thoughts equal negative results. Positive thoughts provide positive results! It really is that simple! The tricky part is getting our mind to stop focusing on the problem: the negative aspects of our lives and instead to fully focus on our strengths and the solution, or the ideal situation we want. Many of us get stuck in that mental wheel that spins round and round, where we focus on wh...