Patriots & Poisons: A Founding Fathers Mystery

Bok av Jamison Borek
Is President John Adams trying to murder Thomas Jefferson? Now that George Washington is no longer President, is the United States falling apart? Shocking allegations are being made in the wake of a waiter's death at Washington's farewell dinner -- that Jefferson was the intended victim instead of the waiter, the target of a deadly political assassination plot. Is the President really a murderer? So many people want to see Jefferson dead. Could it be the preacher who thinks Jefferson's an agent of the Devil? A jilted lover or a jealous rival? The former captive of the Barbary pirates who blames Jefferson for his sorry fate? Or did the murderer only want to kill the waiter, after all? As the country slides quickly toward anarchy and civil war, Senator Jacob Martin must find the answers, to save the country and the woman he loves. Patriots and Poisons, an engaging mystery full of historically accurate and vivid detail, takes you back to 1797 Philadelphia, a critical time in United States history when people could still ask the question seriously, whether declaring Independence was a terrible mistake.