Lobos, Blue Devils, and Mustangs - A nonfictional Fiction

Bok av Cedric Edwards
Twenty-eight years ago, I graduated from Longview High School in Longview, Texas. 1986 was a GOOD year. From 1978 to 1986, my friends and I spent our childhood lives trying to be teenagers and make decisions that would culminate in May of 1986 when we received our tickets to freedom by graduating from good 'ol Longview High. Some of the decisions we made were good decisions; some obviously were not. There was a lot of growing up and learning which needed to be done, a lot of it! And a lot of funny things happened along the way. Out of all those years, obviously my senior year would be the most memorable and enjoyable one, and that's the one I chose to remember mainly in this book. I was like every other 17 year-old boy at that time-I thought about girls, football, sports, girls, my grades, going to college, girls, playing dominoes, getting a car, and of course, girls. So you see where my mind was mainly back then. There will be times where I will look back at certain events and things that had occurred in years prior to my senior year, and I would revel in my triumphs and suffer in my defeats. Everything, however, would lead to that final year of high school. This book is a humorous look back at that year and those times based on my real-life experiences. Lobos, Blue Devils, and Mustangs - A "nonfictional" Fiction is a journey from my elementary school and middle-school years to possibly the greatest year of my life--the year I finished high school.