Guerilla Conditions : La Folle Epopee Cinematographique D'Antony Balch Avec William Burroughs, Richard Gordon, Et Tous Les Autres

Bok av Adrien Clerc
Guerilla Conditions offre un tour d'horizon de l'une des aventures les plus radicales et les plus mconnues que produisit le cinma, celle que partagrent William Burroughs, Antony Balch et Brion Gysin. Entre cinma exprimental (Towers Open Fire, The Cut-Ups) et films d'exploitations (Secrets of Sex, Horror Hospital), Antony Balch produisit une uvre singulire, iconoclaste, dont Guerilla Conditions rsume les enjeux et dcrit les circonstances de cration. (Texte en Franais. Traduction Anglais en prparation.) / Guerilla Conditions offers an overview of one of the most radical and the less-known adventures that ever happened in cinema history - the one shared by William Burroughs, Antony Balch and Brion Gysin. Between experimental cinema (Towers Open Fire, The Cut-Ups) and exploitation movies (Secrets of Sex, Horror Hospital), Antony Balch created a singular, iconoclast body of work; Guerilla Conditions sums up its goals and the circumstances of its creation. (French text. English translation in preparation.)