The Depth of Her Soul - Beautiful Stories of Faith and Empowerment

Thank you my friends for allowing me this opportunity to invite you to share this journey of creating a masterpiece collection of compelling and true-life stories from my sisters around the globe. I believe that each one of us has a special message that is waiting to be heard. Please take a moment to reflect on why I believe our individual voices joined together can make an impact forever. My goals for my book: - To effectively impact women of all ages, but most significantly, the young women who have so much potential within themselves to still create the life that they desire.- That our readers will walk away with the ability to understand what they really want out of life and will actively go out of their ways to find what they are looking for.- Women will understand the connection between their passions and their career choices.- This book will encourage and inspire the broken spirits, damaged souls and discouraged individuals who feel that life has forgotten them and they may be stuck in a role that they never intended.- It will soften the hearts of those that have been hardened.- It will confirm that a woman's beauty is not only her physical appearance and how she carries herself, but it is the confidence within her heart that confirms her wisdom, knowledge and life skills that are highly valuable and sought after qualities.