The Eulogist, Comforting Words for Catastrophic Wounds

Bok av D Min Michael T Bell
I encourage all persons who have been in the ministry for fifty to sixty years, like I have, and those who are coming in on an entry level to bless your library by making sure that you have this manual by Dr. Michael Bell. You will be doing yourself a real favor to have an effective guidebook that will stop you from stumbling through a funeral, but will teach you the art of conducting an effective funeral. This book has nothing but my blessings and I'm sure that it will be a blessing to unborn generations who will enter into the ministry as it points out to them the art of conducting a Christian funeral. The art of conducting a funeral period, Christian or non-Christian because all people deserve to be comforted, it is a must that you make this book a part of your personal library. - Dr. Alfred C.D.Vaughn