Transforming Your Leadership Character : The Lean Thinking & Agility Way

Bok av Dave Cornelius Dm
People need better leaders to guide them, but they also have a desire to become better leaders themselves in many aspects of life, such as businesses, churches, non-profits, sports teams, and more. Many corporate professionals and other practitioners in various disciplines pursue the goal of being solid leaders. But despite training and mentoring, these aspiring leaders still fall short of becoming the kind of leader who inspires others to deliver to the best of their abilities. Based on extensive experience and observation, I believe we all have leadership traits, but proactive efforts are needed in order to grow and transform these skills. The appropriate level of planning, nurturing, and execution can help leaders navigate the course from a non-starter to a resilient starter and finisher. Shawn, Chase, and Mario are three personas who represent the leadership dispositions of resilient-starters, quick-starters, and non-starters and finishers. Their stories model the ways that you can use lean thinking and agility to transform your leadership character.