House Calls Startup Manual : How to Run a Low-overhead, High-profit Practice and Get Your Life Back

Bok av Christopher P Segler
House calls may be the oldest form of health care delivery, but they are making a comeback. Why? Because it may be the simplest, fastest way to a highly profitable practice and great lifestyle. This book is the definitive step-by-step how-to manual for any doctor, physician or podiatrist who wants to shift from a standard-office based practice to a more profitable house calls based practice. Here is the story about the book and how the author thrives in this medical practice model: After completing comprehensive foot and ankle surgery residency training and winning multiple awards from the American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons and the American Podiatric Medical Association, Dr. Christopher Segler opened a standard office-based podiatry practice immediately out of residency. Through hard work and creative marketing efforts, his practice grew rapidly, and he soon had a full schedule-too full, in fact. He found himself leaving for the hospital in the dark, sitting in the office charting on the weekends, and wishing he had more time to actually talk to patients. Searching his soul and trying to determine what he wanted to do with the next phase of his career and his life, he made a list with two columns: "Everything I love about the practice of medicine" and "Everything I hate about the practice of medicine." After completing the list, he realized that a standard office-based practice had too many related items in the hate column and too few in the love column. He then set about creating a practice that would include only items from the Everything I love column, and vowed never again to do anything from the Everything I hate column. The result was a simple fee-for-service, cash-based practice, free from insurance hassles. He opted out of Medicare, stopped accepting insurance, and jettisoned his office and all associated overhead. The result of that bold move, was a period of fear followed by experimentation that eventually yielded a high-profit, low-stress practice. He now walks his son to school, travels extensively, and earns more money than he did from his previous standard practice, while working a fraction of the hours he used to put in. This book shows exactly how he built his practice-and how you can, too. The reasoning behind opting-out of Medicare is explained. He outlines the methods he uses to attract patients who are willing and eager to pay on the spot for home-based care. He tells you best practices he learned through trial and error while he built his new model: what works and what doesn't. If want to get your life back with a high profit, low stress practice, this book will save years of fear, help you skip the experimentation phase, and ensure that you land high on the learning curve so you can start earning a real living and live a great life, right now.