Uganda Holocaust

Bok av Ray Barnett
The Believers sat huddled in a circle with guns at their necks waiting to be burned alive. Grim-faced guards taunted them about how they would die in the flames. All that stood between them and a fiery death was the signature on the execution order of Idi Amin's second-in-command, General Mustafa Adrisi. When Friends in the West Founder Ray Barnett and Journalist Dan Wooding set out to capture the story of Ugandan Christians who suffered unthinkable persecution, torture and death under dictator Idi Amin's eight-year reign of terror, they hoped that by documenting the horrific events that unfolded, they could raise awareness that would help prevent such atrocities in the future. But more than three decades later, the extreme persecution against Christians has reached a global crisis point. Hundreds of thousands of Christians in Nigeria, Sudan and other parts of the Middle East-particularly in the ISIS-controlled regions of Syria and Iraq-have been forced to leave everything behind and flee their countries. They are now refugees fighting daily to survive. Some have had their loved ones kidnapped and murdered, and beheadings of Christians by ISIS have become commonplace. Though first published more than thirty years ago, Uganda Holocaust is a timely story that mirrors the atrocities currently being committed against Christians in regions throughout Africa and the Middle East, and is a story that must be shared far and wide. Read this book to understand what Christians then and now are facing because of their faith-and to be inspired by their steadfast faith in the face of unthinkable terror and death. Most of all, read this book to ignite an internal flame that compels you to do everything you can through prayer, outreach, and other practical support to help Christians who are suffering because of their faith. For more information on the Friends in the West mission, visit