Living Well : 99 Stories from the Mikveh

Bok av Lori Taubman Cooper
For thousands of years, the use of a mikveh, a Jewish ritual bath, has been a unique an integral part of Jewish life.  In ancient times, purity rituals were indispensable to Jewish observance. With the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, the use of mikveh continued primarily as a ritual for women. And, so, it has been for nearly two thousand years. During the past several decades, there has been new interest in restoring and rejuvenating this time-honored and quintessentially Jewish rite. In 2002 a community mikveh was built in Wynnewood, PA with Lori Cooper as its Director. In that capacity, in addition to encouraging traditional usages of mikveh, she created new rituals punctuated by poetry, songs and prayers, to mark moments of transition in our lives. Since that time, Cooper has journaled, recording stories and experiences which emerged from the mikveh.This volume is a compilation of 99 stories, moments of spiritual power and meaning. All stories have been written discretely, the names changed to preserve privacy. Together they reveal to the reader deeply personal and powerful moments and milestones. Originally used for the transition from impurity to purity, mikveh usage today extends to a range of transitional moments. The book is organized into five categories of stories: Marriage, Healing, Monthly, Conversion and Celebration. At the end of each story, a biblical verse, rabbinic statement, a prayer, poem or timely insight is included for the reader?s contemplation and consideration. Rabbi Ed Feinstein, in his endorsement of this book has expressed beautifully the moments when the use of mikveh is most powerful: What is a mikveh? A place where body and soul come together in wholeness and holiness. A place of sacred healing. A place that sanctifies an ending. A place to begin again. A place of memory. A place of new revelation. A place where surprise interrupts the routine, and where the routine calms the crisis. A place of tears and song, and hope and joy. What is a mikveh? A place of miracles.