Perfect Love : Beyond Human Concept of Love and Marriage

Bok av John King Hill
Besides the LORD God guiding the believer in marital love relationship decision-making, God can also show who would be the right husband or wife to the believer. The believer must have the spiritual ability to know and understand what God is doing in his or her life. In the case of the Adam, we see God bring his wife unto him, but in other biblical scenarios, we see God guiding men in the search for a wife. Until the believer is spiritually empowered, his or her life will remain disproportionately balanced. The power to know and understand secret things belongs unto the LORD God (Deuteronomy 29:29). Therefore, it is why the believer needs the life of God, which is the key to His authority and power. The Bible said, my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and lack of vision (Hosea 4:6). Seeing and hearing beyond this human life takes the great authority and power of God, which no academic institution can confer. Timing is very important in making critical decisions because opportunity can come and go. Learning and practice has marginal errors, which could be very costly. This is why rulers surround themselves with counselors because where people are not functioning under the power of rulership, they need counselors to offset the power of their decision-making. Trying it to see if it fits is not the alternative answer to making the right decision at the right season, time or moment.