Bok av Michael Penn
Many newly dating couples are very reluctant to bring up certain matters for fear of frightening the other person away. They find it risky to bring out in the open, matters that are very important to them. After all, you have just recently met. So, what do many people do to keep the peace in order to get to know the person further? They keep their feelings and thoughts to themselves. They kick the can down the road. Internally, their mind says, I can always ask those questions next time. They do not ask those burning questions on the tip of their tongues. Before you know it months, if not years have gone by, some may have now reached the point of cohabitating or even married, with children. However, after the fact is not the time to begin asking pertinent questions about habits, goals, finances, family, religion or one's emotional state. Now is the time, ladies and gentlemen to delve into those type of questions. The ball is in your court. Speak now or forever hold your peace. You have a golden opportunity prior to getting on that emotional roller coaster to conduct a reasonable fact-finding interview of the person you may, or may not, intend to spend the rest of your life with. You have two choices here; one is to be irresponsible and leave such matters to chance or take the bull by the horns and be a willing participant in choosing your future life style and to whom you desire to share it with. Way too many of us have chosen the former, and to this day remain oblivious to the fact that their lack of early participation has had a direct impact on today's and future failed relationships. The 125 QUESTIONS BEFORE YOU SAY, "e;I DO"e; is a must read. Must I remind you that the divorce rate in the USA for first time marriages is 45 % and a whopping 60% for second marriages? And for people of color it's even higher. Though you do not know me, I want what's best for you, so please use this book as an additional tool (exercise) to strengthen your resolve to not become a part of the statistical percentages mentioned above. Furthermore, when you work through the exercise questions favorably, don't forget to reference it to your friends to help them cut through the chase. I wish you and yours the best.