Liknande böcker
Protests Against U.S. Military Base Policy in Asia
Bok av Yuko Kawato
The Practice of Strategy : From Alexander the Great to the Present
Bok av John Andreas (EDT) Olsen Colin S. (EDT) Gray John Andreas (EDT) Olsen
From Nuclear Military Strategy to a World Without War
Bok av Roger Hilsman
Strategic Cultural Change and the Challenge for Security Policy
Bok av Carolin. Hilpert
Sverige, Nato och säkerheten : betänkande av Natoutredningen
Bok av Hans Blix Rolf Ekéus Sven Hirdman Lars Ingelstam Stina Oscarson Pierre Schori Linda Åkerström
Scales on War : The Future of America's Military at Risk
Bok av Scales
Making Liberia Safe : Transformation of the National Security Sector
Bok av Daivd C Gompert
Global Politics of Defense Reform
Bok av Thomas. Bruneau
The Politics of Military Coalitions
Bok av Scott Wolford
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