Mr. Kermit A. Weeks : Epitome of Enduring Leadership Characteristics - Passion, Vision and Perseverance

Bok av Thomas J Finneran
Mr. Kermit A. Weeks owns the world's largest private aircraft collection, totaling over 160 aircraft.1 Additionally, he earned 20 medals at six World Aerobatic competitions, and two U.S. National Aerobatic championships.2 Furthermore, he is a businessman, building and operating Fantasy of Flight - an aviation-based attraction in Polk City, Florida. However, the title most appropriate for Kermit Weeks is not collector, pilot, or entrepreneur, but rather - leader.Throughout his life, Kermit Weeks has displayed three enduring leadership characteristics - passion for his profession, sharing his vision with others, and perseverance in the face of adversity. His passion for his profession resembles another great leader who was passionate about his profession - also aviation - Brigadier General Billy Mitchell. As for sharing his vision with others, Kermit Weeks has shared the thrill of flight with his friends and shared his amazing aircraft collection with the public. He bears many of the same characteristics as a great Air Force leader, mentor and visionary - General Bill Creech.