The Last Drivers License Holder Has Already Been Born: How Rapid Advances in Automotive Technology will Disrupt Life As We Know It and Why This is a Good Thing

Bok av Mario Herger
make sure you and your company are prepared for the greatest disruption of our timethe complete transformation of the automobile industry  The combined effect of autonomous driving, electric vehicles, and the sharing economy is on the verge of changing life as we know it. They way cars are built and the way we get around today wont be recognizable by 2030. Here are just a few of the major changes the author the last driver license holder predicts: Manually driving cars will be forbiddenand car ownership will be nonexistentMany professions, including truck drivers, mechanics, nurses, and doctors, will take a major hit Parking lots and garages will be a thing of the pastThe price of housing will decreaseHospital infrastructure will shrinkChina will become the worlds biggest automotive exporter The revolution will touch virtually every industry. Similar to when cars replaced horses, this transformation will not only impact how we move around, but also the way our cities are built, how we purchase products, and the professions and jobs we have.  the last driver license holder provides with the knowledge and insight you need to position your company for these groundbreaking changes, by revealing the disruptive technologies now taking shape and providing a timeline of when they will take hold.