America's War on Terror : Islamic Jihadist Ideologue or Radical Hijacker of Islam? Will the Real Enemy Please Step Forward

Bok av Patrick Martin Miller Patrick Martin Miller
The United States National Security Strategy contends that the War on Terror is a "battle of ideas - a fight against the terrorists and against their murderous ideology." In turn, it separates the radical Islamist from their religion - Islam. The problem with this contention rests with the fact that there is no separation of religion from the terrorists', nor from their murderous ideology. In light of this disconnect, a new comprehensive counter strategy is required. Furthermore, ascribing to the premise that today's fight represents a global insurgency, the revised strategy must seek out ways to employ America's and its allies' full complement of instruments of national power. These efforts could be used to aid a grassroots establishment of a non-Western, moderate Islamic voice, go on an offensive information operations campaign, or even foster the development of a new form of Pan-Arabism. The end goal would be to create a unifying counter ideological effort and win the hearts and minds of the moderate Muslim community. By winning over the hearts and minds of this populace, the counterinsurgency would gain the upper hand over the effectiveness of the insurgent's efforts and his ability to use the population for his ends, and eventually achieve victory.