Verification of Meteorological Data Reports from the Rq-4a Global Hawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Bok av Steven M Callis
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have onboard sensors that continuously record weather data during their missions. This information is extremely valuable to both the meteorological and UAV communities with numerous potential benefits, which include improved weather forecast products and additional weather intelligence for military planners. The value of any dataset is directly related to its accuracy and this research determined the accuracy of weather data obtained from a particular UAV, the RQ-4A Global Hawk. This was accomplished through statistical analysis and comparisons with upper-air data and Atmospheric Slant Path Analysis Model (ASPAM) profiles of the atmosphere. Recommendations are provided for the use of this valuable environmental intelligence source to multiple user communities. Similar sensors exist on commercial aircraft using the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS). Data from ACARS-equipped aircraft are compiled and quality controlled by the National Weather Service Forecast Systems Laboratory, then processed and made available to numerous agencies.