Nights of Nicaragua

Bok av Grinolsson
A hilarious romantic comedy about four college cousins returning to their poverty stricken home because they have no more money to continue their education. When they arrived at the family farm, their family tells them that they can only afford to finance one of them, but, who? Meanwhile, the four boys meet four gorgeous girls who live right next door, but on the other side of the border that is the farm fence line. After a night of beer, music and romance everyone goes their own way. A couple months later, one of the girls discovers she's pregnant and tell her parents. To her dismay, her parents take her in one arm and a shotgun in the other arm to the boy's family farm. They believe their daughter is going to be married or someone is going to be buried. The boys are shocked when Grandpa and Grandma resolves the problems and gives one of the boys his dream come true.