The New Earth Star

Bok av Fred Taikowski
The Earth's Ascension is a natural progression in the lifespan of our Earth Mother , Mother Gaia . Three young men , from different parts of the World , have been chosen to assist Her in this most noble of tasks; each by placing an Earthen Crystal , or dios X Crystal at strategic points on the Earth at a certain time ...a time that coincides with the activation of the Cydonian Martian Pyramid Complex . Of course , there are those whom wish to oppose this Ascension; those who wish to keep the Earth in it's present State , so that it and it's inhabitants can be exploited for their own selfish gain . Evil versus Good; Battle in Space; and Magick ensue Will the task of the Ascension be accomplished in a timely manner ? Will it be accomplished at all ? Will the Earth change into Her true , magnificent form ? And what shall that form be ? Find out by reading ' The New Earth Star '