Asgard - Saga of the Midgard Serpent

Bok av Grinolsson
GrinOlsson's `Asgard - Saga of the Midgard Serpent' is the 2nd story of GrinOlsson's Asgard series. One of the Utgardian ships is hijacked by a galactic alien race whom call themselves, Zy. At the last moment, the captive Utgardian crew deceptively misled and guide their hijacked ship with their onnboard alien life forms beyond their planet to the inner solar system planet of Midgard (the Earth). These events caused a paradox for the Midgardian planet's future destiny. During these ancient times, the galactic Zy aliens first encountered the Midgard serpent Joermungandr which was the sole intelligent species of Midgard's oceans. They subdued most of the sea serpents, but not all. But, the Midgard Serpent whose domain is under the oceanic waves, along with mankind whose domain is on the land masses ally themselves with the Utgardians who have come to warn the Earth of the paradox and have formed an alliance because the members of the alliance cannot accept the Zy terms for peace.