Family Support Network for Adolescent Cannabis Users (Cannabis Youth Treatment (CYT) Series) - Volume 3

Bok av Nancy L Hamilton
The family support network (FSN) intervention seeks to extend the focus of treatment beyond the world of the adolescent by engaging the family, a major system in his or her life. Family therapy has been cited as a potentially valuable tool in the treatment of substance abuse, and a substantial amount of literature about it exists (Stanton & Shadish, 1997; Liddle & Dakof, 1995; Steinglass, 1994; Kaufman, 1994). Studies have shown that retention of adolescents in treatment increases dramatically when a family intervention is provided (Henggler et al., 1991; Liddle & Dakof, 1995). Although the value of family therapy is recognized, providing this intervention is beyond the resources of many programs, especially in view of the well-documented erosion of services in community-based treatment programs (Etheridge et al., 1995).