Brooklyn. Archipelago Number 6

Bok av Anatoly Saltikov-Karpov
The novel shows the life history and fate of the former Soviet engineers who have fallen for various reasons to live and work in the United States. As a result of such an adventure for many of them is changing the transatlantic community. In general, it does not change anything in their lives. As practice shows, they were again almost in the same country, of which checked out. B pomane oka an ctop nenn e cy b x cobetck x n enepob, o ab x o pa n m p nam t pa otat b C A. B pe y tate tak x p k en y mno x n x men etc pe ctab en e o aokeanckom o ectbe. B e om to n e o ne men et b x n . Bak oka baet pakt ka, on o t oka a c o t b to e ctpane, kotopo b exa .