Walking the Dream: Zen Talks on the Shobogenzo

Bok av Augusto Alcalde
The Augusto I know has many manifestations. Martial Arts master and motorcyclist, Chinese medicine practitioner and indigenous peoples' activist, Zen roshi and jester, musician and writer. I think of a story told about the Buddha. Buddha and Ananda were walking. Buddha asked Ananda, "do you know the essence of my teaching?" Ananda, said, "The essence of your teaching is the Eightfold Path." "No, it is not," Buddha said. Surprised, Ananda tried again and again. Buddha said, "No, it is not." "Please reveal the ultimate truth to me. I will remember and pass it on to everyone who will listen." "I hereby trust the ultimate truth of my teaching to you. It is this: Be a friend. There is no greater attainment in this life or lives to come than to be a friend." During the twenty years I have known Augusto, through good times and bad, he has always been my friend. In this book of translations and commentaries, you will find he is your friend, too.