Mr Altair's Simple Guide to a Complicated Universe

Bok av Octaevius Altair
Our Universe is in truth a series of overlapping energetic grids that connect from the microcosmic Quantum Universe and its set of laws, to our Macrocosmic Universe with its laws and beyond even that. Like a vast interconnected series of webs, in a grand intelligence, like a brain. This Universe is a single Spiritual expression, of which physical manifestation is only a small part. The physical Universal expression is the same throughout the varying spatial densities. Even the Celestial Realms without time, where all Souls co-exist within an "eternal moment" (eternity means having no beginning) is merely a world where each unique soul generates their own physical space in harmony with the Creator which resides within their Heart Chakra. Eventually we will gain an insight into yet a greater spiritual scope, where our Creator is yet a small part of. Together we are on a journey to Source and all mysteries will be revealed.