Grounded: My Wings are Drooping, and I'm Too Fat for Flight. Facing the Down Side of Bipolar Disorder

Bok av Kaidlin Rainne
Living with the lack of zip that can be caused by taking some psychotropic meds on top of experiencing the normal downs that come with the bottom of bipolar cycling can be devastating to a productive and satisfying life. In this book I describe some of the ways I try to circumvent this dampening of mood that can destroy the creativity of a high-functioning bipolar person. This is the second in a series of books that describes my bipolar experiences. In the first book, Skewed: I'm Not Bipolar; I'm an Astral Traveler, I mostly describe how being manic got me in trouble most of my life. In this book, I mostly dwell on the depressions, and how they prevented me from living up to what I think was more potential than I have realized in my life. In my upcoming book, yet to be named, I have come to a balance in my illness that I have yet to define completely, but is definitely there.