Armageddon's Song 4 'the Longest Night' &; 'Crossing the Rubicon'

Bok av Andy Farman
Volume 4: Two distinct parts of the story. Book 1 - 'The Longest Night' is set between 8pm and 8am, the critical night battle in Germany between NATO and the New Red Army. The war in Europe has reached critical mass and it is a race between the Red Army and the newly arrived US and Canadian 4 Corps. The winner owns Europe. Just one last push by the New Warsaw Pact will clear away SACEUR's gambit and the last division standing between the Red Army and the Channel Ports. It is the Longest Night for everyone, and the last night for many. Book 2 - 'Crossing the Rubicon' The war in Europe has reached its bloody end and the troops came home to less than gratitude from the politicians. In the Pacific all eyes are on the Spratly Islands as the Allies combat the Chinese 3rd and 6th Armies, but the aftermath in Europe may have left the US and the ANZACs standing alone, or has it? Soldiers have more honour than politicians at the end of the day.