Mergers and Acquisitions: Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions Motives on Post-Acquisition Performance

Bok av Paula Simeon
This book makes a contribution towards the development of M&A pedagogy. The book is based on an empirical study on UK listed companies, which focuses on the impact of the acquiring firm's motives for acquisition on the post-acquisition performance. Findings suggest a strong correlation between merger motives and post-acquisition performances and have practical implications for re-searchers, practitioners, and policy makers. M&A is a phenomenon that focuses on the growth of businesses. As a result of on-going globalisation and continued economic development, M&A is increasing on an expedited trajectory across the globe. The education and training need as a consequence of the eruption of this phenomenon, which may enable managers, CEOs, and investors to under-stand the art of M&A, is therefore axiomatic. This book has been designed to satisfy the growing management education /training requirement and in particular it aims to offer a reference point in the territory for business management educators.