Near Future Dystopia

Bok av Humberto Contreras
Four futures, four possible dystopic scenarios that do not fare well for our country. A dystopia (from the Greek deltaupsilonsigma and tau piomicronsigmaf, kakotopia, or anti-utopia) is a community or society that is in some important way undesirable or frightening. It is the opposite of a utopia. Dehumanization, totalitarian governments, environmental disaster, war or other characteristics associated with a cataclysmic decline in society often characterize dystopias. To imagine these scenarios I just had to project the future following present day trends. Nothing changes, except that capital takes over completely under the lack of a need for labor. It is like in the old times. Labor can be bought, only that now they are not slaves, they are called robots. Under the rules of capitalism, winner takes all. Wealth accumulation is all-encompassing and even though there is enough for everybody, greed triumphs and there are no jobs and thus no money for the masses.