Islam in the Book of Revelation

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- THE FINAL JIHAD - While many Bible Prophecy teachers are looking in the wrong direction; the Islamic Ottoman Empire Abolished in March 1924 is coming back to life and is preparing to fight Israel in the battle of Har Meguido; Civils wars, Persecution of Jews and Christians in north Africa and Middle East are signs of the Resurrection of the Islamic Beast...Completely new and solid theories make this study at the same time interesting and intellectually provocative. - The Mystery raised on the secret Babylon. - The Islamic nature of the anti-Messiah who will sit in the mosque on the Temple Mount. - The Abomination established on the Temple Mount will provoke a global jihad. - The Secret of immortality, the last trumpet and the year of the Messianic Jubilee. - The resurging of the conflict between the twin brothers Jacob and Edom through the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.