Euphamia, a We are the Devil's Daughters Story

Bok av Mara Reitsma
It was said, that the enemy used fear to trap its victims. It was said, that they hid in the shadows, lurking in your deepest dreams; waiting, for your will to fail. Well, first of all, Euphamia had nothing to lose. She had fought hard, loved deep, and lost...everything. They had taken her mate, they had tried to take her sisters; and now, they were trying to take the whole Verse. But how could the enemy take hold of one, who had already lived through her greatest fear? She was the youngest of three, sired by the Lord of Darkness himself. They said she harbored the darkest of her Father's streaks, that she would one day, rule in his stead; but she preferred to hunt. She was, the Hunt Master, after all; and she loved her job. So who better, to bring the battle to the enemy's doorstep, than the Duchess of the Dark, herself? Who better, than one who feared nothing at all? Or did she? Was there something, she wasn't telling them? Or him?