The Legacy of Kim Jong-un and the Workers' Party in North Korea - A One-Party State facilitating Militarism, Nuclear Armament and Disregard for Human Rights

Bok av Dr. Mark O'Doherty
A young kid with a cool hairstyle, Kim Jong-un seems to have pledged his undying loyalty to Comrade Stalin's ghost; gambling with the lives of an entire nation just to win a game of chicken against the U.S.; policies of militarism and nuclear armament which are not only counterproductive to the global peace movement, but also a very considerable waste of money and effort, distorting national spending priorities in North Korea, with millions of North Koreans living in extreme poverty. This book also studies human rights abuses in North Korea, such as politically motivated incarceration of people in internment- and reeducation camps; often just normal peace loving North Korean people who merely wish to exercise their basic human rights, such as freedom of speech and expression. These and other issues Dr. O'Doherty explores, offering an intelligent social-scientific analysis on these matters, so that a positive collective consciencousness can be manifested between North Korea and the International Community.