Deconstructing Time, 3rd Edition: Illustrated Essay-blogs About the Human Experience of Time

Bok av Rick Doble
Deconstructing Time is an eBook about the human experience of time. This 3rd Edition is almost twice the size of the 2nd Edition and is organized into sections. With over 500 pages, 60+ articles and 400+ photographs and diagrams, this book covers the human experience of time starting with human biolology through the Paleolithic time period to our modern concept of time and how as individuals to manage our personal time. This fully illustrated work is the result of almost five years of independent research from 2012 - 2017. We are immersed in time. We take time as a fact of life and think very little about its workings, yet we are at its mercy. In a sense time is all you have: on your gravestone will be your name and the date you were born and the date you died. What could we gain by obtaining a perspective, by standing a bit outside of time? Although the clock will still continue to tick, your relation to time will be changed.